Infused Water

infused water

Do you Infuse your Water?

If not, giiiiirl, you gotta get on this train!

Water is uber important for your body, your brain, and is a key component to good health and weight management.  

It helps your skin look better, your digestion improve, your bloating decrease, increases your energy, helps you to focus better, and the list goes on and on.

Additionally, many of us are actually thirsty when we think we are hungry.  Therefore by drinking the right amount of water you will actually be hungry less.

And, let’s face it, it’s probably the simplest, most inexpensive thing we can do to improve our health.

Buuuuuuuut, it can be BORING!

I mean, no one looks at a glass of plain water longingly (except maybe a starving Hollywood actress).  So if you’re a normal, everyday mama like me, it’s just not that exciting.

So, how does one get excited about drinking water all day, err day? One infuses it!

infused lemon waterWhat does that fancy term mean, you ask?  It means you put your favorite fruits or veggies or herbs into the water and flavor that puppy up!

There is no measuring, no recipes, just a hint of flavor to add that special something to your water so you can finally look at it longingly.  

Like a mama of 5 looks at a glass of wine on a Friday night when the kids are finally in bed… (ok, who’s kidding who, for that mama, it’s probably Monday!).

If you are new to infusing, here are a few of my favorite flavors:

  • Lemon (squeeze the juice or just add in a few slices)
  • Lime  (squeeze the juice or just add in a few slices)
  • Orange  (squeeze the juice or just add in a few slices)
  • Cucumber (slice)
  • Strawberry (slice or add whole)
  • Pomegranate (just juice or seeds too)
  • Lemon & Basil
  • Lemon & Ginger
  • Blueberry & Mint
  • Pomegranate & Clementine
  • Lime & Mint
  • Strawberry & Mint

*For the herbs you can leave them whole on their stems or break them up.  I prefer to keep them as whole as possible so they don’t clog my stainless steel straw.

So now that you have a few ideas on how to make your water look like the tall drink of water that it truly is, give it a whirl and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love learning from other mamas!


Christina Neuner signature

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