Do you know the Candy Fairy?

Does the Candy Fairy come to your house?

Before we start – just wanted to take a quick side note to say that – these two beautiful Elsa’s are my daughter and niece as last year’s fabulous rendition of Elsa.

Ok – back to the fairy…

She comes to our house on Halloween night and Easter night.  

Personally, she is one of my favorite fairies.  I mean, yes, the Tooth Fairy who comes and takes your teeth and then gives them to little babies who need them, is great.  She’s wonderful. Her cause is wonderful.

But – the Candy Fairy my friend – none can compare!

If she hasn’t been to your house yet, let me explain a bit about what happens when she comes to our house…

On Halloween we go trick or treating as usual then come home and go through the candy, as everyone else does.  

We sort by:

  • Unwrapped, yucky stuff
  • Glutenous candy (or what we call it “Daddy’s pile”)
  • Gluten free candy that they actually like (remember my kiddo’s have Celiac disease)
  • Candy to eat that night (5ish pieces or whatever you let your kids eat)

We then:

  • Throw out the yucky candy
  • Give Daddy the glutenous candy for his stash
  • Choose and save our own piles of 5ish pieces (which get placed in plastic bags with our names on them then placed in the treat jar (my family cookie jar))
  • Put allllllll of the rest of the candy in a bowl to leave out for the candy fairy
  • We write a note to the Fairy thanking her for coming and wishing her safe travels (just an FYI we have been overtired and skipped this step and she has still come)

Later that night, while we are sleeping, the Candy Fairy comes and takes the extra candy for kids who need it.  

There are children in the hospital who can’t go trick or treating and children whose parents are sick or working or busy and can’t take them.  Plus, there always seems to be a hurricane or a rainy night or some weather somewhere that prevents kids from trick-or-treating.  For those children,  the Candy Fairy swoops in, picks up our candy and brings it to those who couldn’t go out so they can participate in Halloween as well.

The kids feel good that they are giving to others and they are excited to see what the fairy will bring them. Click To Tweet

The kids feel good that they are giving to others and they are excited to see what the fairy will bring them.

At our house the fairy always brings them a book.  We have other friends whose fairy brings them Legos or Barbies or coloring books or dress-up or even their favorite healthy snacks.

We love our Candy Fairy because she always gives back.  We are so happy to know that she helps us give back to kids in need, reminds us about the importance of sharing and that she thanks us for our generosity.  While she only visits us twice a year we still love her so!

And, I cannot tell a lie, not having to hear my kids beg for Halloween candy for weeks on end is a nice perk!

Is this your first time hearing about the Candy Fairy?  If so, all you have to do is tell your kids about her on Halloween and leave her a note asking her to take your treats and presto!  She will appear while you sleep!

No elf to watch over you for weeks on end, no big lead-up here, just a magical fairy that helps your kids learn to give back, while saving their tiny teeth from cavities!

Does the Candy Fairy come to your house?  Why or why not?  Let me know in the comments below.  I love learning from other mamas!


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