
When Did Soccer Lose it’s Cartwheels?

When my oldest daughter (poor thing – I learn most of my parenting lessons through her!) was in second grade she played soccer. There was always lots of giggling, cartwheels and fun, and she loved it! However, when third grade soccer started last fall, the game became much more serious. The fields were bigger, the games and practices were longer, and it was much more work and much less play. I got it – she Read More

Green Smoothies 101

So often I hear – “I want to try smoothies, but I don’t know how to make them?” “I’m not sure what to put in them?” “I don’t have any of those fancy-shmancy superfoods, can I still make a smoothie?” “I want to start, but…” Well no longer, mammas!  After reading this post you will know everything you need to make yourself and your family healthy green smoothies. Are you ready?!  -Great – Let’s jump Read More

The Day it All Began…

This, my friends, is what started it all. For years people were telling me to get into the health field in some form or another, but I just couldn’t figure out how or why. Nothing ever felt right, until one October morning. I had several good friends who had been urging me to at least start a blog, so I did… It took me some time to decide what I was really going to do, Read More